Despite critic reviews and reports expressing their concern on yet another video game spin-off attempt, I decided to still go view the movie on its first showing. I can honestly say that not seeing this movie in theater would be a mistake. The action sequences combined with excellent cinematography and special effects allowed for a thrilling ride from both the present-day Cal Lynch to the Inquisition-Animus Aguilar segments present in the film. Being that I have previously played many of the Assassin's Creed video games, the plot proved easy to follow, flowing from one concept to the next easily.

For those who have no background on the franchise, any confusion that might result from the movie's plot can be cleared up by a quick brush-up on the story-line of the Assassin's Creed games. A word of advice that might help to clear up confusion centers of the Animus. The purpose is not to alter the past, but rather observe it through the eyes of an ancestor in order to pick up on clues and hints which could aid in present-day tasks. The task that Sofia (Marion Cotillard)is attempting to complete is the discovery of the Apple of Eden--basically a very important artifact desired by both the Templars and Assassins. Thus, the Animus sequences that appear to lack much background or a concrete plot are intentional due to the fact that only the sequences hinting or involving the Apple are viewed. If the entire life of Aguilar (Michael Fassbender) was necessary to finding the Apple, the movie might as well have just been about him.

Nevertheless, anyone who is already familiar or is willing to take 30 seconds to familiarize themselves with the Assassin's Creed story will watch an excellent film--surpassing most of the recent releases this year.