To carry out this investigation we needed:

a bottle green vial and... "Summa de legibus Anglie, que vocatur Bretone" (III 1865)

Antimony (Latin: antimonium)

Antimony - The medieval Latin form, from which the modern languages and late Byzantine Greek, take their names, is antimonium. The origin of this is uncertain; all suggestions have some difficulty either of form or interpretation. The popular etymology - from anti-monachos or French antimoine...
Antimoine - in French literally means "against the monks"...
According to legend, in XV century, the Canon of the Benedictine Priory Basilius Valentinus watching pigs noticed that from the use of antimony in their food the future delicious meal begins to fatten just before his eyes and whether for fun, Whether experiencing irresistible attraction to medicine and cooking at the same time he decided to try this incredible medicine at his neighbors - monks of his diocese...
Imagine his surprise when instead his stout fellows he received as a result of the experiment number of corpses corresponding to number of guineas... At the autopsy the monks were stunned looks of blackened as if charred insides...

Undying fame earned Paracelsus, who coined on the basis of antimony emetic wine, which immediately put into practice and used as often as they were bloodletting...
In 1556, the Parliament of Paris forbade the use of antimony for medical purposes... But the greedy French apothecaries merchants emetic wine didn't want to suffer the loss of profits to fall in their pockets as from a cornucopia, and dared to apply for the Parliament to the Court.
The case of antimony dragged out exactly for hundred years and ended in 1656 victory for pharmacists.
It was the most long and very tedious trial in the history of mankind...

The Married Women’s Property Rights Act of 1882

significantly altered British law regarding the property rights granted to married women, allowing them to own and control their own property.
It was the indirect cause of the untimely death of Charles Bravo... And if he wasn't the only one? This question will remain open...