"He recieved his knoghthood while leading the Albion army under your father's rule and has known you since birth. He has been your mentor, your confidant, and is your most trusted friend. Walter's sense of duty is unmatched and he would not hesitate to lay his life down in order to protect Albion. While his peers concern themselves with advancing their careers and appeasing the crown, Walter acts his own accord and is not afraid to speak his mind when it benefits the nation he loves. Walter has been growing weary of King Logan's rulings and has realized that as long as he continues to serve the King of Albion, he cannot serve its people."

"Walter Beck was one of the first characters we made for the game and, consequently, he went through many interations. As a former soldier and commander we wanted him to be strong mentor and likeable companion, someone the player would really enjoy spending time with. With Bernard Hill as the choisen voice actor we ended up with a very well rounded, witty, loyal, and burly guide for our Hero. He might be a big, reliable man but he hates the dark and with good reason..."

Ian Faichnie, Game Strategy Guide